Group Therapy

“I believe the greatest gift I can conceive of having from anyone is to be seen by them, heard by them, to be understood and touched by them.”

-Virginia Satir

Group therapy provides a safe, confidential and supportive environment to work through some of life’s most challenging experiences. The gold-standard for all addiction treatment as well as the preferred mode of therapy for grief, trauma and most personality disorders, group therapy is a place where group members can benefit from shared emotional and psychological support through the processing of shared experiences. Through both receiving and offering support, group members develop empathy, build intimacy and practice the vulnerability often necessary to better emotional health.

Other benefits related to group therapy include:

  • Identification – Group therapy assures individuals that they are not alone and that others share similar struggles.
  • Connection – Receiving and giving support in life’s struggles creates alliance and bonding.
  • Discovered Vulnerability – Group therapy helps individuals develop communication skills and socialization skills. It also allows clients to learn how to express their thoughts and emotions, as well as the ability to accept the views of others. This allows group members to build self-awareness and empathy.
  • Support – Strong support is experienced within the context of the group session, as well as extended support that naturally occurs as a result of building close relationships.

We take a caring, non-judgmental & collaborative approach to mental health.

Get started today living your most authentic self.

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